Kenya National Highway Authority
P.O.BOX 49712-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Scope Of Service
To carry out economic feasibility study, preliminary and detailed engineering design of the optimum alignment and identify the most economically justified geometric and pavement design solution that provides the decision makers in the Government of Kenya, with sufficient information to construct the road to all-weather bitumen road.
Project Location
This project forms part of the highway network in the LAPSSET Corridor in Kenya. The section is located in Garissa, Meru and Isiolo County. The entire corridor include Lamu-Garissa, Garissa-Isiolo, Isiolo–Marsabit and Isiolo-Loruk located in Lamu at Indian Oceean, Garissa, Meru, Isiolo, Samburu and Turkana Counties.
Project Benefits
The expected benefits of the project upon construction are
- Sustainable, safe road network, which facilitates economic growth and improves living standards in Kenya
- creating seamless connectivity between the Eastern African Countries of Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan
- strengthen Kenya’s regional Hub status in Eastern Africa as a result of the country being the originator of trans-boundary transport projects, special economic zones, and Free Trade Areas
- enhance the socio-economic development of the northern part of the country
- Stabilization of security among communities residing along the road to minimize inter-community conflicts.