Kenya Urban Roads Authority
P.O. Box 41727-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Scope of Service
To carry out economic feasibility study, preliminary and detailed engineering design of the optimum alignment and identify the most economically justified geometric and pavement design solution that provides the decision makers in the Government of Kenya, with sufficient information to construct the road to all-weather bitumen road.
Project Location
The project roads total 45 km and are located within Mavoko Municipality in Machakos County, Kenya. The town is referred as Athi River which passes through. Due to its proximity to Nairobi, the town is growing rapidly with numerous cement, steel, and food industries, general businesses and real estate development.
Project Benefits
The expected benefits of the project upon construction are:
- Sustainable, safe road network, which facilitates economic growth and improves living standards in Kenya;
- improved traffic movement within and around the Mavoko town;
- Increase mobility by diverting through traffic from town