National Water Conservation and Pipeline Corporation
P.O.BOX 30173
00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Web: www.waterauthority.go.ke
Scope of Service
Design review of a 28m high dam and water treatment works, raw water and treated water mains.
Project Location
Umma dam site is located on the Nzeu River, immediately downstream of the confluence of Mukoleyka and Muvati rivers. It s located about 7km northeast of Kitui town center in Kitui County, Kenya.
Project Benefits
Some of the likely positive impacts of Umaa dam include;
- Downstream flood mitigation.
- Improved living standards for the area’s residents and reduction of water borne diseases;
- Time ad effort saving as distance from water point to homestead is reduced;
- Employement creation during the construction phase. Opportunities or permanent employment during the operation phase.
- Growth of secondary business during the construction phase, eg; supply of spare parts for machinery to the contractor and private individuals, supply and maintenance of furniture, office equipment and stationary, food business, public transport and hospitality services among others.
- Nationally, the project will be a contributor to the economic growth of the country in terms of taxes, tourism, offering direct employment to those in water companied and water user association. It will also contribute towards the realization of the water for ALL goal; and
- Improved well-being of the women and children due to reduced burden of fetching water