National Irrigation Board (NIB)
P.O.BOX 30372-00100
Web: https://www.irrigation.go.ke/
Scope of Service
- Feasibility study;
- Detail design;
- Environmental and social impact assessment study, and resettlement action plans; and
- Tender document preparation·
Project Location
The project is located on River Thuchi, at the edge of Mt. Kenya forest, on the border of Embu and Tharaka Nithi County and consisted of a 90m high multipurpose rockfill dam and a 10km connection pipeline to existing pipe to irrigate about 6600ha of land, provide domestic water and generate electricity for tea factories in Runjenjes Sub-county in Embu County..
Project Benefits
Some of the positive impacts of Thuchi dam include;
- Food security due to increased crop productivity.
- Enhance environmental conservation due to reduction in use of biofuel
- Downstream flood mitigation.
- Improved health due to reduction in water borne diseases.
- Time and effort saving as distance from water point to homestead is reduced.
- Better education due to reduces absenteeism caused by sickness, and
- Social benefits as the dam can be used for recreation, eg fishing, boating, swimming, camping and hiking.